Haakonsvern Naval Base

Military training facility at Haakonsvern Naval Base

The building will be subjected to rough use, and they have therefore placed great emphasis on materials that can withstand mechanical stress: untreated concrete, brick, cement-/concrete-based panels, terrazzo and rubber coatings. The primary focus has been on ensuring low annual costs through low maintenance costs and low energy consumption.

“The building, despite its size, has been given a light and playful expression, with bright façades and a simple volume composition. The use of façade materials clarifies the various volumes, while it also ties the building into a shapely and balanced whole. Simple and plain materials have been used. It is the creative use of familiar façade materials, such as the shell pattern in the large enclosed façade surfaces, and clear, precisely executed material transitions, which make this building great.” Quote taken from:




Inspiring training facilities


